Upcoming CD-LINKS side-event in COP22 Marrakech: Ratcheting up NDCs

cop22_logo10 November 2016

CD-LINKS is present in the COP22 UNFCCC climate conference in Marrakech. Project results will be presented in the side-event “Ratcheting up NDCs: Consistent national roadmaps towards the global objective of 1.5°C and 2°C”, organized by IIASA and TERI on Thursday 17 November at 15:00 (room: Pacific, Blue Zone). If you are in Marrakech, you are cordially invited to participate in the side-event. The side-event presentations can also be followed remotely through live streaming on the UNFCCC YouTube channel. Please see agenda here.

In the side-event, viable strategies for ratcheting up the NDCs and their implications for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are presented.

Specifically, we define regional emissions budgets consistent with the global 1.5° and 2°C goals and explore NDC-harmonized roadmaps for Brazil, India, China and the EU, among others, which have been informed by national decision-makers and strategies.

Further, we assess the implications of the NDCs for the SDGs, such as food security, water and air pollution, and analyze how the ratcheting process could foster positive additional feedbacks between these dimensions and the climate transformation.

The research has been conducted within the framework of the CD-LINKS project, funded by the European Commission.